Monday, October 18, 2010

Reminiscing Already, Zhi-Yang?

This is going to seem extremely early for most of you, but I miss Wesley.

Call this post premature, weird, unZyang-like, stupid, emo, what be you. But it really just hit me today. I'm gonna miss Wesley so much.

Yes, I complain about the stupid shit that we memorize and regurgitate out when we're told to do so. Yes, we all know that fact all too well.

Yes, there are some people in Wesley who I just can't stand, but really, there are gonna be people just like that everywhere you go. And well, I guess I should thank them for ensuring my high school life was never short on drama and heightened rage.

Yes, I complain about how incompetent certain members of staff may be, but they will always have this place in my brain. Embedded deep, though associated with complacency, but embedded deep nonetheless. I want to remember every small detail, the retarded, the bad, the cocky, and the great.

Let this be the first of a series of open letters to all those I hold dear.

To all friends, close and mere acquaintances,

Thank you for all the great times we've had. All the mischief (baseball/squash/Kevin-chasing/getting-chased-by-Kevin/just Kevin/camwhoring/unprovoked crying/constant teasing/GOSSIPING/drama/laughs/laughs/and more laughs/NERDING/forced shutdowns of computers/endless rounds of catching/POST EXAMS!/bitter rivalry/sweet rivalry/homework copying/Anti-Keith Organization-ing!/just plain, "honest", "clean" fun). And bullying New. hahahah! For the record, I love the guy. I just kacau him because it's too fun to resist.

Thank you for everything. For the support we've unconditionally provided each other, the consoling and lending of shoulders. The laughs and jeers, the jokes and insults. We all know we don't mean what we say, but say it anyway just for the heck of it. I love being a guy. Haha!

The trips and camps, where lots of stupid shit happens (in which I sometimes regret not being involved), where endless shitloads of fun happens. I'm gonna miss school camps and trips so much. All the freaking crazy and stupid bus rides, the crazier hotel rooms/dorms. All the nutty activities and (yes this is horribly cliche and there's a reason why it's cliche) team spirit! *Brrrrrr!*

The canteen, a place of food and merriment! Oh yes, much merriment. The one-two-juice-ing, jokes and insults that fly so naturally. The stealing of food, as well as the contamination of it, which the use of certain... fluids. Haha! The stupid dares we've forced upon each other, throughout breaks and lunches. I love the canteen! Sadly, I've had to miss out on some of the merriment, a year's worth of it to be exact.

But I found a different kind of merriment while absent from the chaos of the canteen. Yes, I'm a Prefect, a.k.a. a student's worst enemy, Public Enemies numbers 1 through 30. But through adversity and constant jeering and defamation, I found a very different kind of bond that bloomed from all that bullshit. Yes, it is not without its fair share of politics and mudslinging, of which I've been a victim, once upon a time, but it really opened my eyes to so many different things and to so many different people. Yes, much like an extremely dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless.

Yup, I'm gonna miss being a Prefect. But there are two things I'm gonna miss more.

Being an Interactor, and being a Wesleyan.


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