Monday, September 7, 2009

Back By Popular Demand!

Due to the overwhelming calls for me to update, I have unwillingly obliged! For I must please my readers!
If you thought that the first line as well as the title was COMPLETELY syok sendiri, you're absolutely correct!

Well, the truth of the matter is, compared to before, life is treating me PRETTY WELL =D ahahah besides a few minor bumps, life's been SMOOTH-SAILING =D so far anyway. hehe.

Exams are COMING! AND YOU ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! The nerd in Zyang shall live and walk this Earth again! I'm gonna eat studying, breathe studying, sleep studying and shit studying! Ok, maybe only three of those. I'll let you decide which three =P

Oh, and in case some of you don't know, our exams got BROUGHT FORWARD. YES. I KNOW. LESS TIME TO STUDY. AND I CAN'T FREAKIN' GO FOR THE ATP MALAYSIAN OPEN. WTH?!! STUPID! Oh well. Longer post exams then =) 4W is going to own! MUAAHAHHAHAHHA!

Well, what's happened between the last time I blogged until now...?

1)Interact Farewell,
2)Prefects' Farewell,
3)Interact Installation,
4)Setia Cup.

1) Good!
2) Better!
3) Awesome!
4) Die.

HAHAH! Well considering I played for the B team instead of the A team, wasn't really a surprise that we lost! Though we REALLY SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN TO AT LEAST THE QUARTERS. Aiya nvm lah =P CONGRATS TO THE A TEAM! FOR GETTING THE CUP BACK AFTER FOUR LONG YEARS! =D without me though this time xD

Well, that was a rather pathetic attempt at a blog post. HAHA! But I be very sleepy!

GOOD NIGHT READERS! =D May your lives not be filled with ammonia, for it seriously stinks.


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