Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Meltdown!

Yes, the nerd had a massive breakdown last night at around 10pm or so. The nerd put down his books, heaved a huge sigh of frustration and disbelief that he had only finished revising like 30% of his Chemistry, just 10 hours before his paper was due to begin. With his head pounding and his heart weighing heavy in his chest, the nerd stared blankly at his newly-cleaned wall of knowledge, which was now, somehow quite discouragingly empty. By discouraging I mean somehow mirroring the state of his brain - empty.

One could not imagine the agony and distraught the nerd was going through, as it was not Chemistry that was on his mind, but many other things that really could been pondered about at a more suitable time, maybe in the near future, namely AFTER SPM.

But yet, contrary my advice to many a disturbed friend, I DIDN'T slap myself and force myself to study, as I was already quite behind time.

Thus, the nerd did the most rational thing in the world.
And no, it did not involve kicking into high gear and studying at 3 pages per minute.

The nerd took a long walk around Seputeh in the dark of night!

Yes, I sound like an old man, who likes to roam the streets at night with the street lamps being the sole source of light. Yet, I found that that slow stroll had a somewhat calming effect on me. The sounds of crickets and muffled laughter echoing from random houses gave me a sense of peace and drove the anxiety away.

Therapeutic, I would describe it as. Kinda like a nice, long, hot shower.

Thanks to the butt who listened to my ranting throughout my walk. And to PTC and Sam who unintentionally added to my stress by making me feel stupid and inadequately prepared for Chem.

Bring on Biology!


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